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Virtual Resources for Student Learning and Enrichment

Facts about Money

Living and Nonliving Things

Reading, Typing, Spelling

Hour of Code



2nd Grade Closed Syllables

Kindergarten Mouse Practice


Pivot Stickfigure Animation

Make Beliefs Comix

Kinder Mouse Practice

Click and drag

K-5 Technology Lab

How to Copy and Paste:

Animals Copy and Paste





1. Toy Theater

Toy Theater is a collection of early learning activities to be used as another tool in the teachers toolbox. An eclectic "Theater" of learning toys, it is a safe place to play and learn.

2. Roomrecess is focused on providing children with free educational games. was developed entirely with the goal of reinforcing fundamental learning concepts in math, reading, spelling, language arts, and basic problem solving. 


3. E-Learning for Kids

Math, Science, Reading and Keyboarding

4. Show Me

This site includes a variety of games and activities targeting science, math, literacy.

5. BBC Bitesize

Math, Reading, & Science games 

6. Mouse Practice

K-1st grade mouse practice 

7. Art

Art (Painting) 

8. Think Through Math

Think Through Math is a Web-based solution that provides adaptive math instruction for students in grades 3 through Algebra

9. Create you own Picasso Head

Art, Creative Writing

10. Pic-Lits

Inspired picture writing. Great for creative writing.

11. TVO Kids

12. Scholastic

13. Get In The Zone

14. Make Beliefs Comix

Create your own comic strip- Great for creative writing!

15. Seussville

Interactive educational games

16. Carrot Sticks

CarrotSticks is an online multiplayer game that improves math skills for 1st - 5th graders.

17. KenKen

Math puzzles

18. Build Your Wild Self

Great for creative writing

19. Sheppard Software

Geography, Math, Animals, Science

20. Math Magician

Math Games (Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction)

21. Disney

22. Study Jams

Math & Science site

23. Kids Know It Network

Common core educational activities

24. Kids Health

Teaches children how to be safe and healthy

25. jmathpage

26. Math Playground

Math Games- Logic, Word problems, Math manipulatives, Common core math, iPad Apps, Math flashcards

27. Spelling City

Vocabulary, Spelling, Writing, Parts of Speech, Handwriting, Alphabetical Order

28. Hoodamath

Math games

29. Sesame Street

30. Primary reading games

31. Toon University (Reading/Spelling games)

Games & activities to help your elementary children in spelling, reading comprehension & more.

32. Typing Club

33. Cool Math

Cool math is an amusement park of math, games and more.

34. Dance Mat Typing

Dance Mat Typing is an introduction to touch typing for children aged 7 - 11 years.

35. Story Place

The Story Place Library is full of great activities for you to explore (Pre-K - 1st).

36. Reading is Fundamental

Read Along Stories & Songs

37. Typing Web

38. BBC Science Clips

Interactive science activities

39. Mighty Book

Reading with animated stories

40. Light Up Our Brain

Audio Children's Stories

41. Book Pop

Free online reading and other fun activities

42. Sheppard Software

Free, online, educational games for kids

43. Story Place

The ultimate children's digital library

44. Netsmartzkids

45. Literacy Center Education Network

The Literacy Center Education Network is dedicated to designing exceptional education experiences for young children.

46. neoK12

Educational videos, lessons, and games for K-12 school kids

47. More Starfall

48. ABCya!

49. PBSkids


51. Online Stories

Illustrated children's stories
for kids of all ages

52. Silly Books (Read Aloud)

Enjoy animated books, children's music, puzzles and games.

53. Storynory

Free audio stories.

54. Storyline Online

Streaming video program featuring famous people reading children's books aloud

55. Read Aloud Books

Variety of read aloud books (Pre-readers - Adult readers)

56. Children's Books Online

Multimedia books and Books with audio ( All in different languages)

57. K-2 Student Interactives

K-2 Student Interactives

58. Sense-Lang typing games

59. Typing web

Keyboarding practice

60. Typing Club

61. Funbrain

 Funbrain's games help students build on what they have learned in class and acquire new skills in reading, math, and problem solving.

62. Turtle Diary is the learning playground for all the children who want to tickle their brain with  fun educational activities.

63. Mr. Nussbaum

Science games

64. The color

Online coloring book pages

65. Computer Skills

66. Lego

Educational games

67. Turtle Diary

68. Tynker

Hour of Code


70. Code Monkey

71. KizPhonics 1

72. KizPhonic 2

73. Safe Online Surfing

74. Kahoot

75. Moby Max

76. Base Ten Blocks

Virtual base ten blocks

77. AAA Math

78. Multiplication Masters

79. ELAR, Math, Social Studies, Reading Fluency K-4th

80. Boggle

Word Generator 

81. Google Kids

82. Scholastic Interactive Games (K-12)

Engaging web and whiteboard activities across grades and subjects

83. Kidtype