Student Learning Resources
Facts about Money
Living and Nonliving Things
Reading, Typing, Spelling
Hour of Code
2nd Grade Closed Syllables
Kindergarten Mouse Practice
Pivot Stickfigure Animation
Make Beliefs Comix
Kinder Mouse Practice
Click and drag
K-5 Technology Lab
How to Copy and Paste:
Animals Copy and Paste
1. Toy Theater
Toy Theater is a collection of early learning activities to be used as another tool in the teachers toolbox. An eclectic "Theater" of learning toys, it is a safe place to play and learn.
2. Roomrecess is focused on providing children with free educational games. was developed entirely with the goal of reinforcing fundamental learning concepts in math, reading, spelling, language arts, and basic problem solving. |
3. E-Learning for Kids
Math, Science, Reading and Keyboarding
4. Show Me
This site includes a variety of games and activities targeting science, math, literacy.
5. BBC Bitesize
Math, Reading, & Science games
6. Mouse Practice
K-1st grade mouse practice
7. Art
Art (Painting)
8. Think Through Math
Think Through Math is a Web-based solution that provides adaptive math instruction for students in grades 3 through Algebra